Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Been a Week!?!?!

It's flown by! I know some have been wanting updates...

Our Grand Opening was met with wind, rain and 40 degree temperatures. Nothing says, "Come to our balmy island" like frost bite. We were pleasantly and humbly surprised at the turnout, though. So many friends and family!

These are 3 of our 4 artists.

Some art...

Tim and Robert the Jew totally made the evening complete. If you ever have a grand opening, get music dudes. Together these guys had the Baptists actually dancing. Please don't call the convention. We need all the good press we can get.

Some mingled....

Some didn't...

Some kids worked...

Some didn't...

It was a great night. We are still a work in progress. But we're just so stinkin' glad to be here we can hardly stand it. As crazy as all this has been, there is a certain peace to doing what you love. I get to have my toes in the sand before I get to work. At any given time, I can walk outside my sunny shop and hear a seagull. And the cool thing is that all of our customers are happy!
photographs taken by my mom and butchered by me in photoshop...

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