Saturday, April 4, 2009

J. S. de Elcano

photo by Darren. I couldn't possibly do this...

This was in our harbor today. It's a Spanish naval training ship. She's one of the largest and oldest tall ships still operational. You can read more of her history here. It inpsired words like, "Coooool" and "Aaaawesome" from my boys.


Shelley in SC said...

Hi, Katy ~ ~ Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow, what an interesting life you have! Owning an art shop, living on an island, homeschooling (okay, we're there too, but it still makes you interesting!!) Lots to blog about, I would think! Have you sold your house yet? I'll be checking back to see how all turns out!

Shelley in SC

carrhop said...

So excited for you all as you get your studio opened and for your plans for your family--it just sounds awesome!


The Crib Chick said...

Okay, I know that this is A) not relevant to the current post, and B) probably not really funny...but I can't help but grin at...

"They had a snake come into their house about 6 years ago and she was so scared that she got saved. Seriously."

Forgive me.

Super Churchlady said...

That is spectacular! He is so talented.